Chad Peppers

Drupal 10 Utility Class - Random



The Drupal 10 Random Utility class is a collection of methods for generating random data. It can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as generating dummy data for testing purposes, creating unique identifiers, or generating random passwords. Let's take a look at each of the methods provided by the class and how they can be used.


Next we will go over some examples on how to use the Random utility.

name($type = null)

The name() method generates a random name, which can be useful for generating test data or creating unique usernames. The $type parameter can be used to specify the type of name to generate, such as "male" or "female".

string($length, $characters = null)

The string() method generates a random string of a specified length. The $characters parameter can be used to specify the set of characters to use in the string, such as lowercase letters or numbers.

numeric($min = 0, $max = 100)

The numeric() method generates a random number within a specified range. The $min and $max parameters can be used to specify the range of the generated number.


The boolean() method generates a random boolean value, either true or false. This can be useful for generating test data or for randomizing behavior in your code.

word($length = 10)

The word() method generates a random word of a specified length. This can be useful for generating test data or for creating unique identifiers.

machineName($length = 16)

The machineName() method generates a random machine-readable string, commonly used for generating machine names for Drupal entities.

sentences($count = 3)

Generate random sentences with the sentences() method. You can specify the number of sentences to generate with the optional $count parameter.

image($width = 640, $height = 480)

Create URLs for placeholder images using the image() method. You can specify the dimensions of the image with the optional $width and $height parameters.

object($count = 3)

Generate a random object with the object() method. The optional $count parameter specifies the number of properties the object will have.

paragraphs($count = 3)

Need random paragraphs of text? Use the paragraphs() method, specifying the desired number of paragraphs with the optional $count parameter.


Overall, the Drupal 10 Random Utility class provides a useful set of methods for generating random data in your Drupal project. Whether you need to generate test data, create unique identifiers, or randomize behavior, this class has you covered.

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